A bilingual blog for Geography and History Students

This is the blog for the bilingual students of the Geography and History subject at the IES Duque de Alburquerque (Cuellár). Here you´ll find working material, interesting news, online activities, educational videos, and many more

March 23, 2011


in the last weeks, you might have heard something about Japan´s earthquake and the subsequent nuclear accident in Fukushima Nuclear Power plant. Would you like to try the nuclear experience by yourself? press this link and avoid the meltdown! the life of many people could depend on your decisions...


PS: this is a very difficult game, so please, before playing read carefully all the instructions

March 20, 2011

The first city? Pre urbanism in the Neolithic period: the mysteries of Chatal Hüyuk And Skara Brae

Would you like to know more about neolitihic settlements? Chatal Hoyük is probably the most  famous neolithic site due to its early urban planning. Considered as the first city in History by many archaeologists, it hides many fascinating secrets that you should reveal. Press this link CHATAL HÜYUK and start the journey!.

On the other side, far away from Chatal Huyük, in the cold, distant Orkney Islands, next to the scottish coastline it is found Skara Brae, a small neolithic village with underground stone houses. This is not a city sensu strictu, but its architecture is amazingly sophisticated. Pressing this link you can choose between a virtual tour or some videos about different areas and structures from the site
                                                                 SKARA BRAE SITE

March 12, 2011

Parietal Art and Lascaux: the Sixtine chapel of prehistoric Art

With Altamira (Spain), the parietal paintings from french cave of Lascaux, are probably the best and most important prehistoric art masterpieces. That´s why this site was called, when found, the "Sixtine chapel of Prehistoric Art".  If you are interested in knowing how did the palaeolithics paint their caves, and  what techniques and materials did they use, perhaps you should wacht these documentaries!. Here you will only watch two of the six - parts video, so if you want to watch them all, please press this link Lascaux. The Prehistory of Art

The cave lighting

Materials and techniques

would you like a virtual visit to lascaux cave?, try this awesome link: LASCAUX CAVE